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whO iS yOuR faV. NBA pLaYer?
wHo iS yoUr fAv. WNBA pLaYeR?
wHo iS YouR faV. mAle CoLLeGe BasKetBall pLaYeR?
whO is yOur faV. fEmaLe CollEge BasKetbaLL plAyeR?
whO is yoUr faV. mAle HigH sChOOL bAsKeTbaLL plAyeR?
WHo is YoUr faV. fEmaLe HiGh sChOOL baSkeTbaLL plAyeR?
wHaT aRe YouR faV. tEaM cOlOrs?
wHaT shOes dO yOu RocK fOr BasKeTbaLL gaMes?
wHat sOng maKes u hYpe dUrIng BasKetbaLL gaMes?
dO u thInK prAtiCes arE neCeSSary??
gaToraDe oR poWeraDe
LebRoN oR CarMeLo
wAde oR IveRsOn
eAsT oR WesT
BeN oR sHaQ
GaRneTT oR DunCaN
Pat RiLey Or LaRRy BrOwN
ChaRleS BaRklEy Or PaTrIcK EwInG
MaGiC JohNsOn oR LaRrY BirD
IvErsOn's oR jOrDaN's
DuKe oR NorTh CaRoLinA
tRaCy Or KoBe
Old sChoOL oR NeW sChOOL
Dr. j oR M.j.
hEaDbaNd oR nO hEAdbaNd
lOnG sOcKs oR sHorT sOckS
LsU Or TeXaS
LaKeRs oR cLiPPeRs
DaLLaS or sAn AntOnIO
cLevELaNd oR DenVer
J.J. RedIcK oR AdAm MoRRisOn
MiaMi oR HoUsTon
UCoNN oR fLoRidA
wILt ChamBerlaiN oR KaRReM AbduL-JaBBer
DetrOit oR NeW JerSey
KanSas Or kEntUcKy
NacHos oR ChiLLi FriTos
AcC Or BiG eaSt
LeSiLe oR SwOopEs
sEC Or BiG 12
wHats uR faV. nUmBer?
wHats uR bAskeTbaLL niCknaMe?
wHat NBA teAm oR WNBA teAm wHo U waNt tO bE oN?
wHaT cOlleGe dO u wAnt tO plAy fOr?
dO u gEt sHoeS thAt maTcHEs yOur uNifoRm?
HoW lOnG hAve U beEn plAyinG baSkeTbaLL?
CaN u DunK?
CaN u sHooT?
CaN u DriBBle?
cAn U rEbouNd?
wHo iS yOur InSpiRatIon?
WhAt plaYer aRe U mOsT liKe?
hOw maNy sTate ChAmPiOnsHips dO u haVe?
wHicH oLd sChOoL plaYer dO u plaY liKe?
DoeS uR teAm sUck?
wHo dO u tHinK is thE grEateSt pLayEr tHat eVer plaYed in tHe NBA?
WhO dO u tHinK jumPs tHe hiGheSt iN tHe NBA?
haVe u evEr beEn iNjUred?
ArE U a GuaRd, fOrwaRd, oR CenTer?
dO u LoVe bAskEtbaLL?
SuE BiRd or TaMikA CaTchIngs
PicK anD rOll or GiVe aNd gO
dUnK oR lAyUp
pAss oR sHooT
NorTh caRoliNa or NorTh CaRoliNA sTaTE
cHriS PaUl oR sTevE NaSh
tInY oR ZeKe
bAroN dAvIs oR cHauNcEy biLLuPs
oRlaNdO Or HouSton
ViNcE cArter oR pAuL PieRcE
sOnicS oR BuCks
cOOkies Or mILk
tRicKy Or sMOothe
fIngErOLL Or SlAm JaM
mId-rAnGe Or BeYoNd tHe ArC
M.j. Or LeBrOn
eLtOn bRaNd Or AmaRe sToUdAmIrE
iVeRsOn oR nAsH
AnD 1 Or OLd sChOoL
SeiMonE AgUsTus or AlaNa BeArD
MaRyLanD Or BaYlOr
OfF tHe GlaSS oR aLL nEt
sHawN mAriOn oR TaYsHaUn pRinCe
BeN's fRo Or Dr.J's fRo
dUnK cOntEsT oR tHree-pOiNt cOntEst
pOweRadE Or waTer
geOrgE MikeN oR yAo MinG
HaRleM GlObeTrOtteRs or OaK HiLL AcaDeMy higH sChOoL
UcLa or GeOrGia
WiLkiNs oR cArTer
wHo is YouR fAv. mAle StrEEt bAll plAyeR?
wHo iS yOur FaV. fEmaLe StrEEtbAll pLayEr?
wHat iS yOur fAv. cOlleGe tEam?
wHat iS yOur fAV. NBA tEam?
wHaT iS YouR faV. WNBA teAm?
wHo iS thE bEsT pOinT gUarD EVER!?
wHo iS thE bEsT sHooTiNg gUarD EVER!?
wHo iS thE bEsT sMaLL fOrwARd EVER!?
wHo iS thE bEsT pOwEr fOrwArd EVER!?
wHo iS thE bEsT cEntEr EVER!?

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