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Whats your name?
How old are you?
who is the first person you think about each day?
why do you think about them?
What is the worst thing you have done when out drinking?
name five ppl you care about?
Whats the worst thing you have said to someone and regret it?
Whats your top three bad habits
Do you have any children?, if so how old
have you played a prank on someone, and who?
what was the prank?
Favorite saying?
Do you have a nickname?, if so what is it
When you were little what was the most embarrasing thing you did or said?
Who would you walk 1000 miles for?
Whats your favourite song at the moment?
Who are your top five best mates?
have you ever been in a Fight before?
what is your ultimate fantasy?
Name five things you want to do before you die?
Are you a dog or a cat person?
who was your first boyfriend or crush?
Have you ever backstabbed someone?
have you ever been backstabbed by friends or family?
Who is your Faveourite person to be around when you need them the most?
Who do you have a crush on?
who are you in love with?
Where was the last place you have been and why?
Do you have any brothers and sisters?
Whats your favourite tv programe?
What is your favourite movie?
what is your faveourite line from a movie?
Would you eat seafood or junk food?
Have you ever pashed more than one person in one night?
Would you eat healthy food or un healthy food?
Who is the most annoying person right now?
Who was the last person you saw today?
What was your longest relationship?
What was your shortest relationship?
Do you have a car or bike?
Are you friends with guys or girls the most?
Name one thing you want to change about yourself and why?
Do you snore or talk in your sleep?
Whats your ultimate dream guy or girl?
Whats the oldest guy or girl you have been with?
Do you live alone, with friends or with parents?
how many friends do you have on my space?
who was the last person that called you?
who was the last person you got a text from?

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