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What Is Your Birth Name?
Where were you born?
What is your ethnicity?
What is your Height?
What is your Weight?
What animal best describes you and why?
What is your strongest character trait?
What is your weakest character trait?
What color best describes you and why?
If you were a house, what type of house would you be?
Are You introverted or extroverted?
Are you a leader or a follower?
Are You optimistic or pessimistic?
Are you conservative or liberal?
Are you quiet or loud?
Are you "extreme" or "average"
do you warm up to people quickly, or does it take you some time to get to know them?
What is most important to you in a friend?
What is most important to you in a lover?
Do you get along with your parents?
Do you get along with your ciblings?
Do you trust others?
Are you trustworthy?
Do you tend to break hearts or get your own broken?
If you could go back in time and change one failed or missed relationship, who would it be with and how would you change it?
What is the most important factor in a relationship to you?
Do you have many REAL friends?
How long have you known your best friend?
If I asked them, what would your parents say about you?
What would your best friend say about you?
What would your ex say about you?
Have you ever told a lie to protect someone's feelings?
Would you rather hear the truth or a lie?
What do you consider your sexuality to be?
What do you notice first about the preffered sex
Are you monogomous minded?
What physical feature of yours stands out the most?
Have you ever read the Kama Sutra?
Where is the oddest place you have ever had sex?
Have you ever paid for sex?
Do you enjoy porn?
Do you masterbate, if so, how often?
Do you practice safe sex?
Do now or have you ever had an STD? If so which one(s)
What is your biggest sexual fantasy?
what turns you on the most?
How Young is too young for sex?
When did you loose your virginity?
Since then, how many sexual partners have you had?
Ever had sex with more than one person at a time?
If you were an item from a sex shop, what would you be?
Do you preffer the lights on or off?
Do you like it ruff or gentle or both?
Do you have any fetishes? If so, what are they?
Do you consider your partner's satisfaction?
If you had a sexual toybox, what would it contain?
are you political?
Republican or Democrat?
What ONE thing would you change about your government if you could?
What do you think of the death penalty?
What is your stance on Abortion?
What is your stance on Gay Marriage?
Do you think it is wrong that actively open homosexuals are not permitted to give blood?
What is your stance on the war in Iraq?
What does freedom of speech mean to you?
Do you believe that America still lives up to that ideal?
What is your opinion on religion in the schools?
And what about seperation of church and state?
If you could say one thing to your government's leader, what would it be?
Do you think the American legal system is just?
How do you feel about jury duty?
Do you vote?
What do you think of the idea at least of communism?
How about Anarchy?
If you could elect any ONE person to rule the world, who would it be and why?
what is your religion?
Why is that your religion?
Where do you think your spirit will go when you die?
What does "Heaven" mean to you?
What does "Hell" mean to you?
Have you read the Bible?
Do you believe in Prayer?
Do you pray?
Do you meditate?
What is your core and driving spiritual belief?
Which of the "seven deadly sins" are you most prone to?
If you are a non-Christian and you were to die and realize that "Heaven" is real and had to explain yourself to God at the judgement, what would you say?
how would you describe your physique?
Hair Color?
Eye Color?
Penis/Breast size?
Do you feel that "size matters"?
Are you muscular/well defined or flabby?
Do you shower daily?
Do you brush your teeth daily?
Do you wear deodorant?
How about calogne or perfume?
What is your personal style?
what ONE physical feature would you change?
What does your "morning routine" usually consist of?
How often do you exercise?
Junk food or Health food?
Milk or Soy?
Boxers or Briefs?
Thin or thick crust pizza?
Movies or Television?
Rich or Poor?
Naughty or Nice?
Guilty or innocent?
Truth or Dare?
City or Country?
Car or Bus?
Money or Dreams?
Lust or Love?
Flowers or Chocolate?
Coffee or Tea?
Sugar or Artifical Sweetener?
Chocolate or Vanilla
Sex on the beach or In the privacy of your bed?
Bath or shower?
Pajamas or Naked?
Winter or Summer?
Fall or Spring?
CD or Music Download?
Cell Phone or Landline?
Snail mail or email?
Silence or noise?
Save five strangers or one cibling?
Lie or Cheat?
Forgive or Condemn?
Love or Hate?
Spend or Save?
Own or Rent?
Dance or Sit it out?
Beer or wine?
Roses or Daisys?
Prudence or Passion?
Self Denial or Self Gratification?
Strength or Patience?
Faith or Fact?
Fiction or non-Fiction?
Innocense lost or Wisdom Gained

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